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Micron Test Reports


A stud from a world-renowned bloodline

Ado­nis is an excit­ing male with a top-class and very well-known sire. This blood­line is world-famous and is sought after all over the world. His father is the famous Snow­mass Defi­ance and his moth­er Sensei’s Hemi­a­coyo Coquille. Defi­ance is among the top 1% sires in the States and has been sold to EP Cam­bridge in Aus­tralia. Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty and have your females cov­ered with one of the few Defi­ance sons in Ger­many. The advan­tages are obvi­ous — incred­i­ble den­si­ty, fine fibers and a healthy physique. Its strongest attrib­ut­es are cer­tain­ly the fine­ness and shine in its fleece. Since these prop­er­ties have oth­er pos­i­tive aspects, the fleece is also soft and very even. In his fifth year of his life he had 17.4µ and a shear weight of 2.5kg with a growth of 10cm with­in eleven months.

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