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GRIP Motor­magazin, 10. July 2020

Cover Story — Photo Shoot at the AlpaSuri Farm

On 29 May 2020, our alpaca farm was the scene of a report by Grip Motor­magazin, a pop­u­lar Ger­man TV show all about cars. Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Daniela Grun­wald shot the Ham­burg-based graf­fi­ti artist Tomy­boy togeth­er with a McLaren 675LT that he had paint­ed in an eye-catch­ing neon design. The two were look­ing for a stark con­trast to the car that can reach a top speed of 330 km/h, and were high­ly impressed by the relaxed atti­tude and calm nature of our alpacas.

Click on the image to the left to see GRIP Motormagazin’s cov­er sto­ry from July 2020 in PDF for­mat (in German).


Ham­burg­er Mor­gen­post, 05. July 2020

The AlpaSuri Crias in the Hamburger Morgenpost

The Ham­burg­er MOPO ded­i­cat­ed an entire page to Alpa­Suri and espe­cial­ly to our crias. Specif­i­cal­ly, the arti­cle report­ed on our 15 young ani­mals and the ten expect­ed births in July 2020.

Sim­ply click the image on the left to read the full arti­cle from the 5 July 2020 issue of MOPO in PDF for­mat (in German).


Wat Löpt, 24. June 2020

AlpaSuri in Wat Löpt — Journal and Cultural gazette for the Winsen region

The June issue of the Win­sen news­pa­per Wat Löpt fea­tured an exten­sive arti­cle about Alpa­Suri. The arti­cle intro­duced own­ers Bar­bara Bruns and Wolf­gang Stamp, who pre­sent­ed the his­to­ry of Alpa­Suri and the high stan­dards they adhere to when real­is­ing their plans. Fur­ther­more, the arti­cle includ­ed gen­er­al knowl­edge about alpacas and drew atten­tion to our ‘Sniff and Cud­dle’ events.

To read the full arti­cle from 24 June 2020 in PDF for­mat, sim­ply click the image on the left.

tier1_2019_11_03_HMP_MDS-HMP-2019-11-03-mp_20191103.hmp_so.mp_06-mp_07_2 Kopie

 03. Novem­ber 2019

AlpaSuri breeds alpacas in Laßrönne

The June issue of the Win­sen news­pa­per Wat Löpt fea­tured an exten­sive arti­cle about Alpa­Suri. The arti­cle intro­duced own­ers Bar­bara Bruns and Wolf­gang Stamp, who pre­sent­ed the his­to­ry of Alpa­Suri and the high stan­dards they adhere to when real­is­ing their plans. Fur­ther­more, the arti­cle includ­ed gen­er­al knowl­edge about alpacas and drew atten­tion to our ‘Sniff and Cud­dle’ events.

To read the full arti­cle from 24 June 2020 in PDF for­mat, sim­ply click the image on the left.


Ham­burg­er Abend­blatt, 20. June 2016

More than 400 guests attend AlpaSuri Grand Opening

We cer­tain­ly did not expect such a large crowd! And that is why we are extreme­ly pleased that so many alpaca fans found their way to our farm on 19 June 2016. We hope you all enjoyed the after­noon as much as we did.

Inci­den­tal­ly, even the press joined the par­ty. Sim­ply click on the image to read an arti­cle from the 20 June 2016 issue of the Ham­burg­er Abend­blatt news­pa­per in PDF for­mat (in German).

Join our team! If you have always want­ed to work with alpacas and share our pas­sion and ded­i­ca­tion, click here >

Our breed­ing pro­gramme fol­lows the strictest of stan­dards. There­fore, we are all the more delight­ed that our efforts are being recog­nised. More>

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