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We are search­ing for fresh spir­its to join our friend­ly and well-estab­lished team. As you can hope­ful­ly tell from this web­site, we are an ambi­tious com­pa­ny moti­vat­ed by a great pas­sion for our alpacas. We place high demands on tak­ing care of these excep­tion­al ani­mals and fol­low the strictest of stan­dards in every­t­ing we do. Our facil­i­ties are state of the art. We have estab­lished a glob­al net­work of expert part­ners and make every effort to incor­po­rate the lat­est find­ings into our breed­ing programme.


We are com­mit­ted to mak­ing Alpa­Suri one of the most renowned alpaca breed­ers in the world. Join us in pur­su­ing this vision and devel­op­ing our com­pa­ny in close coop­er­a­tion with Mrs Bruns and Mr Stamp. We expect you to bring com­pe­tence and exper­tise in project man­age­ment to the table, along with social intel­li­gence, pas­sion and deter­mi­na­tion. An excel­lent com­mand of the Eng­lish lan­guage and con­fi­dent behav­iour are as much a part of this job as great inter­est – and respect – for for­eign coun­tries and cul­tures. More (Ger­man) >


Your dai­ly busi­ness includes nurs­ing and car­ing for the alpacas on our farm as well as on the road when attend­ing shows. It helps if you like trav­el­ling and meet­ing oth­er alpaca afi­ciona­dos. We award con­tracts for a min­i­mum of one year, and expect you to han­dle our ani­mals with love and a high lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al­i­ty. More (Ger­man) >


At Alpa­Suri you’ll find team col­leagues who are pas­sion­ate about ani­mals, reg­u­lar work­ing hours, a fair salary as well as hous­ing. If you are inter­est­ed in breed­ing alpacas, share our val­ues and high stan­dards, and would like to con­tribute your enthu­si­asm and ener­gy to Alpa­Suri, we look for­ward to receiv­ing your appli­ca­tion by email to

Alpa­Suri was quick­ly noticed by the Ham­burg­er Abend­blatt which report­ed on our alpaca breed­ing pro­gramme. More >

Our breed­ing pro­gramme fol­lows the strictest of stan­dards. There­fore, we are all the more delight­ed that our efforts are being recog­nised. More >

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