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In all our alpaca breed­ing activ­i­ties, we strive for max­i­mum qual­i­ty in every respect. Our mis­sion is to breed healthy as well as genet­i­cal­ly and anatom­i­cal­ly per­fect alpacas with excep­tion­al qual­i­ty fleece. Our spe­cial focus is on white hua­cayas and suris with fleece that fea­tures an espe­cial­ly low micron count.

Our maid­ens are mat­ed with care­ful­ly select­ed studs of first-class ori­gin. Con­tin­u­ous vet­eri­nary care in line with the cur­rent state of research is a mat­ter of course to us. We con­stant­ly strive to incor­po­rate the lat­est find­ings into our breed­ing man­age­ment pro­gramme. In this process, we also rely on our world­wide net­work of experts. This is where we apply our many years of exper­tise and the lat­est find­ings from our world­wide research.

We are proud of the fact that many of our ani­mals have received numer­ous inter­na­tion­al awards. Learn more here >

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